Sunday, November 2, 2008


I love Halloween!! I love to decorate and I love to dress up. Luckily I have a job where I can do just that!!! Our theme at school this year was, "Mad Scientists"!!! It was fun. They eyebrows about drove me crazy though. I was glad to take them off at the end of the night. I dressed up for school and then we got to go to a party at our friends house that evening. It was a dress up party and so I just left my costume on. Doug dressed up as a hockey player!! Tasha was a fairy and Bethanie was a charm school girl. It was a great Halloween and we all had lots, and lots of fun!!! I can't wait for next year!!!!

This is Larry and Kim dressed up and Doug and I dressed up on Halloween at the party!!! Aren't we just as cute as can be!!!?? :)

This was our seeds from our pumpkins we carved!!! The kids picked them out and I cooked them up for everybody. Tasha and Ryan had a good time playing in the goo!!!!!

These are our pumpkins we carved and Tasha all dressed up!!!

This is Bethanie and her cute costume!! This is Doug and I at our ward Trunk-or-treat party!! It was lots and lots of fun!!!

This is me at school and our school group picture!!! We are a crazy bunch!!!!