Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Doug is starting a New Job!!!!!!

Well we found out yesterday that Doug got the job he applied for at work to be an Engineer!!!! He is so excited as are we!!!! He has worked so hard and waited so long!! Finally a job with his degree!!!!!!!! Congratulations Doug!!!!!!!!!! I love you and am soooooooo proud of you!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Days off!!!

I have had some days off due to Parent Teacher Conferences. So I took advantage of my time and finally did some scrapbooking!!!!!!!!!!! It was wonderful!!! On Monday I had no school and so I went to my friend Kim's house and scrapbooked most of the day. Then Friday I had no school again so Kim came to my house and we scrapbooked again!!!!! It is great to finally get some pages done with my new life and my new family!!!!! I had a few done but not near enough!!! Yes to me!!!!!