Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tasha and Kyle Maxwell

 Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell!!!!

 In the beautiful flowers!!!!

 Such cuties!!!!

 I was walking behind Tasha to go down for a big group picture and just happen to be lucky enough to catch this wonderful picture of her dress in the wind. 

 Well this is Mikey and Ed.  Ed surprised us and told us that he couldn't get leave to come home from the Marines.  We were at the Rexburg Temple taking pictures and Mikey come walking up and behind him is Eddie!!!!!  What a wonderful surprise!!!!

 Tasha and her girls!!!!!

 Kyle and his men!!!!!

 Kyle and his serious men!!

 Tasha and her beautiful girls!!

 This is what they looked like after they ate/shoved cake into their faces!!!  It was very fun!!!

This is the beautiful cake that Tammy made for Tasha!!!
 This is them with all their gifts!!!!

 This is the back of their car.  It was decorated all the way around.  It was full of confetti on the inside of it too!!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tasha's engagement Pictures!!!

Here are some of them.  It is so exciting!!!!  Jenny did such a GREAT job!!!!  Thank you so much to her!!!  Tasha and Kyle look great in them!!!!  Now time to get ready for the wedding!!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Eddie Boy!!!!!

This picture was taken of Ed and this fabulous girls at his going away party.  It was a great day and now his is off at Marine Boot camp!!!!  I got my first letter from him today and he is doing well.  I miss him and love him, but I know this is where he is supposed to be.  He is going to be a GREAT Marine!!!!!!!!  His address if anybody would like to write to him is:

Recruit Hill, Edward, D
2nd Bn Golf Co. Plt. 2150
36001 Midway Ave.
San Diego, CA 92140-2150

He can not receive packages, he can only receive letters.  He would love as many people to write to him as they can.  He will not necessarily be able to write back, but words of encouragement are welcome!!!!