Sunday, April 27, 2008

The 2nd Chance Prom

Doug and I went to the 2nd Chance Prom last night!!! It was soooooooo much fun!!! The 2nd Chance Prom is a dance that the local radio station KLCE puts on every year for all of us old kids who never got to go to Prom or want to go with the one we love now!! It is always around the end of April. In the past we have only gotten to go once because it usually has fallen on a weekend we had all of the kids. But, this year it was on the 4th weekend and we didn't have most of them. It was so much fun!!! (did I mention that already?) We danced all the slow songs (even the country ones) and just loved being together. Doug and I went out and bought me a new dress to wear. It was RED!!!!! I love red!!! The very first slow song that they played was "Lady in Red" so that was fun and we of course danced to that!!!! :) I love dancing and Doug knows it so he loves me enough that he goes and dances with me!!! :) :) I love him for that!!!!!!!! Next year a whole bunch of us should go!!! O.k so I hate this picture, but nobody was home to take our picture so I had to do it myself. Doug looks great and I have a crappy smile in it. But it works!!! We did get our picture taken at the Prom and when I get them back I will post it. :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It snowed yesterday!! That is right you heard me, IT SNOWED!!!! I am so sick of the snow!!! KLCE played White Christmas. I laughed hard to that!!! Did I mention I am sick of the snow!!?? It is supposed to snow first part of May too. It has snowed 7 months now, and if it does snow it May it will be 8 months!!! GO AWAY SNOW!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tasha gets her braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tasha got her braces off today!!!! She is so happy to have them off. I am so jealous. I get mine off in 6 weeks though so I am very happy!!!!!!!! Tasha looks so beautiful!!! What a young lady she is. I am proud of everything she is and has done in her life. I love her very much!!!!! WAY TO GO TASHA!!!!!