Thursday, April 17, 2008

Tasha gets her braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tasha got her braces off today!!!! She is so happy to have them off. I am so jealous. I get mine off in 6 weeks though so I am very happy!!!!!!!! Tasha looks so beautiful!!! What a young lady she is. I am proud of everything she is and has done in her life. I love her very much!!!!! WAY TO GO TASHA!!!!!


Jenny G said...

Congrats to Tasha! I can only imagine how much more comfortable her mouth must be now :)

Pamcakes said...

Hooray for Tasha! We love that smiling mouth. Make sure she knows that just because she is brace-less, she still can't kiss boys!!

Anonymous said...

I think we have a georgeous girl there. She looks so good without her braces. Way to go TAsh!!!!
