Monday, June 16, 2008

Fathers Day!!

O.k. Dougy had a great day!!!! We went to church and then went to another ward for a farewell!!! We finally got home, had lunch and then gave him his presents and the cards we made him. First he got these dark chocolate covered pomegranate candies.

Then he got this way cool squirt gone to shoot all of his enemies with!!!! :)

We got him this cool light blue shirt to go with some shorts that he got while we were in Salt Lake City over Memorial Day weekend.

We also got him this cool dark blue shirt to go with his new shorts!!! He will be one styling dude this summer!!!!!! Dude is what Alex and Ryan like to say all the time!!!!! :) :) We grilled hamburgers for dinner and just had a fun, fun, day!!!! What a guy I have!! He is an amazing father and deserves to have an amazing Fathers Day!!!! I love him bunches!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Snow on June 11, 2008

That is right!!! You heard it!!! We had SNOW on June 11, 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sick of snow!!!!!! I took this picture because I knew nobody would believe it if I didn't. Doug was leaving for work at 5:30am and said look out side honey!! I couldn't believe my eyes!!! I took pictures and video taped it too. That means it has snowed the last 10 months in a row!!!!!!!! YUCK!!!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008


Well, my hysterectomy is all over!!! YEA!! I am doing well. I really thought I would feel much better than I do at this point, but my right side is killing me. I guess I am just a big baby or don't have as high of a threshold for pain as I thought! I don't know. It is quit depressing though. I am a week into it and I still have a hard time. I guess it can only get better. I really appreciate all that my mom did for me and all that my friends have done for me. A big thanks to my kids and all that they have done and continue to do for me!! I have the best family in the world!!! Thanks to you mom for coming all the way from Washington to help!!!! You are the BEST!!!!! Thanks to her husband Pat for letting her come and help. The kids had a great time swimming with grandma!!! I have a great support group around here!!!!! THANKS TO EVERYONE!!!!!