Monday, August 25, 2008

1st Day of School!!!!

Today was the first day of school for the 2008/2009 school year for me, Tasha, and Bethanie. We were very excited to go and have our new experience!!! My day was pretty easy, I just had to get the area in my room ready and dejunk some stuff.

Today was Tasha's first day in High School!!!!!!! I can't believe she is that old. She is such a beautiful young lady. I am so very proud she is mine!!!! This is her in her first day outfit. She is lovely!!!

Today was Bethanie's first day in Jr. High. She was excited and scared all at the same time!!! She is turning out to be a very beautiful young lady too. I can't believe she is in Jr. High. It was just yesterday it seems that I was putting her in kindergarten!!! OH MY!!!!!!!

Everybody had a great experience and we all arrived home safe and sound!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Some much to say where to begin!!!??

We have done sooooooooo many things this past little while that there are a ton of pictures so make sure you scroll through all of them!! This first picture is of Doug and I outside of the Mayan restaurant in Salt Lake City (SLC). We went there this past weekend for family vacation. It was a lot of fun. The kids had a blast too. Everybody got along and there were no fights!!! It was one of the best family vacations we have ever had!!! So look through the pictures and enjoy the story as the pictures go through!!!

We are soooooooooo cute!!! So in love and this was also on my birthday!!!!!

This is Tasha and her new friend Kyle (also Ryan, Alex, and Mariah's cousin on their mom's side) They got these tattoos at the Youth Jam in Idaho falls. All of the kids except Ryan got one. The tattoo says "Kind to be Kool" They put the 2 above it!! What a bunch of wacky kids!!

This is the kids making there fairy houses at the Youth Jam!! They had lots of fun doing this!!! They were made out of Styrofoam cups and pipe cleaners, sequence, pine cones, glue, and whatever else you can think of that is crafty stuff!!!! In this picture is Ryan, Mariah, and Bethanie.
They had hula hooping too. Bethanie and Alex did this. They were the only two that would do it. Bethanie dropped her hula hoop once and Alex never dropped his at all!!! Alex is a good hula hooper!!!!! Kyle told him that girls like boys that can shake their hips!!!! Alex doesn't care too much about girls right now, so he didn't really care. :) :)

You go Alex!!!!!

Our Young men, and Young women went to the open house of the Twin Falls Temple. So it was... Tasha, Ryan, Bethanie and me. We stopped at the Shoshone Falls and had lunch with the whole group!! Wow was that pretty!!! It was a really hot day though. The drive down and back is about 2 1/2 hours. It was fun though. I had a van full of fun youth!!!!

Here is our group in front of the temple!!

The Shoshone Falls!!!!

So another thing we did was go to the open house of the new pier overlooking the Snake River here in Idaho Falls. It is on the opposite side of the river from the falls and temple. They are building up this area with businesses and it is looking very pretty!!! They had a grand opening ceremony for all of it and so we went to it. Here we are on a horse carriage ride!! It was miniature ponies that pulled the carriage. It was fun!!!

Here we are on the pier that over looks the snake river!!!

Then one day we followed Pam and her kids to this cool free water park in Rexburg!!! It is at Porter Park. The kids had a very good time. We stayed here for about 2 hours. This was a lot of fun!! I have tons of pictures of it but I already had to put so many pictures on here I didn't put the other pictures of this. Come and visit and you can see the other pictures!!!! :)

This was a Nascar exhibit that came to Idaho Falls. You could go and drive these cars and they simulated what a real Nascar would be like!! The kids loved it. You have the big screen in front of you that you watch and see where you are going and you drive like crazy. The car moves and everything to feel like you are moving too. The kids liked it so much that I forgot my camera and so we all had a turn on the cars and then we drove all the way home and got my camera and went back and did it again!!!! It was free too!!!! I can't believe how many free things I have found for all of us to do this summer!!!!! :) :) I live free stuff!!!!!!!!!!! In this picture it is Alex. We all had a turn doing it. There are two cars and you race against each other!! FUN TIMES!!!

This was a trip we took to Gem Lake her in Idaho Falls. We went Kayaking and Canoing. The kids loved it!!! Alex and I are a good duo in the Kayak!!! Carlton Judkin, our neighbor, took us because he has the Kayak that he made, and we borrowed the canoe from Bro. Coombs!!! It was a really windy day but we had fun any ways!!! We had a Bald Eagle land in the trees right next to us. That was fun to see and watch him. He stayed by us for a long time!!!

While we were on Family Vacation it was my birthday. I put my shorts on to go down to breakfast in the hotel, and then we came back up to open presents. So this is how I look first thing in the morning on my 41st birthday!!!!! I also pulled my hair back in a half pony tail so that it wasn't sticking out so much!!! This picture Tasha took while she was torturing me and not letting me open my presents. I finally got to and I got a beautiful necklace and earings, and a picture frame that has 3 places for pictures and it says FAMILY on the top of it. My necklace was 3 hearts linked together and then 3 pairs of earrings. I loved them all!!!!! Then we went to the Spaghetti Factory for lunch and the Mayan Adventure for dinner.

This is the outside of the restaurant and the inside is a cross between the rainforest cafe and Indiana Jones ride at Disney Land. It has a diving show that the kids love. It is Mexican and American food on the menu. The kids love this place!!! They all found things on the menu, that they loved!!!!

This is one of our family pictures we took outside of the Mayan. We are all sitting on a big ol' serpent!!!! We all took pictures of it eating us too!!! We only had to wait about 30 minutes. We thought that was pretty good on a Saturday night!!!

This was a Rec Center we went to and we all played and swam!!!! This is a section that just has water spraying out all over and you can play in it. Back behind is a lazy river area. There is a lap swimming area and a deeper pool area to just play in and then this next picture is of the huge water slide that we all LOVED!!!!!!! We had so much. When we got done swimming we went in the gym and Alex played basketball with some kid in there and the girls found a kiddy area that they played in too. Everybody was super tired by the end of this day!!!!

The fun Water Slide!!!!

Then on the way home on Sunday we went to the Layton Hills Mall and walked around and looked in stores. Then we stopped at IGGY'S for lunch. Iggy's is a sports bar and grill. It has huge big screen TV's all over with sports on them. Alex was in heaven. The day we went the summer Olympics had started and so we got to watch that on the screen!!!! Everybody found something on that menu they loved too!!!

Ryan, Alex and Mariah go home in 4 days and then school starts soon too. So summer is almost over!! :( But we are still having fun and loving the little bit of summer we have left!!!! I hope you got through all of this and enjoyed our story!!!!