Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tasha's baby!!!

That is right!!! I said Tasha's baby. She had a baby on Oct. 11, 2008. His name is Peter. O.k it is just one of those electronic ones. But, she had to change it, feed it, burp it, and all other things requiring her to take care of it. It cried every two hours all night long!!! She said, "Sex is not worth this EVER!!!!" So I think the doll and class did it's job!!! Should work until she gets married and then I will show her this picture and the others I took and remind her that she doesn't want to have sex and see what she says to me then!!!! :) :) :)

1 comment:

Jenny G said...

Good thing she got such a bad baby to teach her a good lesson! Mine only cried at 3 and 6. Lucky me.