Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My mom and step dad Pat came for a visit!!!

My mom and my step dad Pat came to visit on weekend of July 17th. It was so great to have them here for the whole weekend. They got her on Friday and didn't leave until Monday morning!!! It was so nice to have them here for a longer visit then they usually are able to do. Thank you Mom and Pat for taking time to come and visit. On Friday when they got here we just hung out and barbaqued chicken. Then on Saturday we went and saw the new Harry Potter movie. It was so good!!!! Thank you Mom and Pat for taking us to that!!! That evening the adults went out for dinner together. We went to Smitty's. It was very yummy!!!! Sunday we just enjoyed each others company!!! I could just kick my self though because I didn't take any pictures!! How stupid is that!!!!???? Mom and Pat come back so I can get some pictures please!!!!!! :) :) I love it when my mom and Pat come visit!! They are amazing people and I love them very much. Thank you again Mom and Pat!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes we all should have taken pictures. Was a great weekend.
I love you both and next time we will make sure that the cameras are snapping.