Thursday, January 28, 2010

Tasha got her drivers license!!!!!

Tasha did it!!!!! She now has her driver's license and is ready to roll!!!!!!!!! She passed with flying colors!!!!!!!!!! She is so excited!!!!! We are so proud of her!!!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Our 5 year anniversary and Tasha gets a car!!!

This is Tasha's new car!!! It is a 1982 Chrysler New Yorker. It was owned by a little old lady that drove it very little. Tasha got it for $600.00. It is all her own she signed for it and she paid for it!!! She is so very happy and excited!!!!! Way to go Tasha!!!!

Doug and I have celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary!!!! Tasha and one of her coworkers made this or Doug and I. We can't believe we have been married this long already!!! It has been a great 5 years and we look forward to the next 50 or more!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The New Year

Here is a picture of the snowman that Ryan, Bethanie, Alex, and Mariah built in our front door. We got a ton of snow on Friday and Saturday of the last weekend of Christmas break. The kids had so much fun playing in the snow. They played all day Saturday in the snow and then Sunday after church until the Buddenbohm kids had to leave. I really wanted a snowman so they all built one for me!!! He is so cute I think!!!!!!!!

These are snow creatures that Ryan built on his fort. The kids spent all day Saturday building snow forts. They dug and dug and dug. I believe the one on the left is a little snowman and the one on the right is a snow pig. I think it looks more like a snow mouse!!!!

This is the fort that they built. The picture does not do it justice. It is hollowed out to the right and to the left. Then you can go all the way through this tunnel I took a picture of . They had tons of fun sliding down the opening.

This is on Sunday and Alex buried Ryan, Bethanie and Mariah in the snow like it was sand on the beach. I think I would have frozen to death. How we change from when we are young to when we are old. I could have played outside for hours when I was a kid and now it is just to darn cold!!!

This is Bethanie buried and they made her look pregnant. It was pretty funny to look at.

This is Mariah Buried. She is a triangle. She was loving all of this!!!

This is Ryan all covered up. They made him so that he was like a hill to slide down.

We love that the kids love playing in the snow!!! They come in and their snow clothes are always very wet and ready to be hung up to dry!!!! Yea for winter and snow!!!!!!!