Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2nd Chance Prom

Tasha did my hair for me!! She put curly ques in it!!! I wore my red sequins shirt and a black skirt. Doug wore his suit!!! It is always fun to get dressed up!!!

This is a prom that our local radio station puts on every year and it is free to all those who are 18 or older!! It is sooo much fun. Doug and I go every year even though he doesn't like to fast dance. He will slow dance with me. This year we went with our friends Larry and Kim. They fast dance and so I would fast dance with them!!!! One day hopefully I will get Doug out there in a fast dance!!! We went to Hard Hat Steak House for dinner and then to the dance. We danced allllllllll night!!! I was a little sore that night, but not to bad the next day. Here are some photos for you to enjoy!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bethanie is inducted to Honor Society!!!

Congratulations Bethanie!!!!!!!!!!! She rocks and we are soooooooo proud of her!!!!!!! This is our first child to have this honor!! It was a great celebration and we very much enjoyed seeing her get this honor. She now belongs to the Honor Society of Claire E Gale!!!!

This was the yummy deserts to have after the inductions. It was very beautiful and Bethanie says it was very yummy!!!!


Easter 2009!!!! What a GREAT Easter we had this year!!! We finally had all the kids this year!! We have waited along time to have all of them together. It was well worth the wait. Saturday we did most of our celebrating because on Sunday we had to take the Buddenbohm children home after church. So that didn't leave us much time on Sunday. This is a picture of mine and Doug's Easter basket. It was a great morning. Everybody found their baskets just fine.

We went to the Maxwells for Easter dinner. We had a big dinner and then an Easter Egg hunt. These are some of the candy Easter teeth that kids found in some of the eggs. Don't they all look so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Our dinner was so good. I took cheesy potatos (some call them funeral potatoes). It was the first time I have ever made them and they turned out soooooo good!!! Tasted just like my favorite ones that Lawana always has made. It was her recipe I used and they actually turned out!!! :) We had a great ham that the Maxwells made and snickers salad, and apple salad, and rolls, and lots of yummy stuff!!! Thanks Maxwells for sharing Easter with us!!!! It was lots of fun!!!!!

These are our beautiful Easter eggs!!! The first row on the right are the ones I decorated, then the next row is Doug's. Then Bethanies, then Alexs, then Mariahs and then Ryans. We had lots of fun decorating eggs. We had fun eating them too!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

This is us in the process of decorating our eggs!!! As you can see we all had lots of fun!!!! I love Easter and the Easter Bunny!!!!!!!! I also love that it is a time to remember the resurection of our Savior and all he has done for all of us.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our trip to Salt Lake City

We went to many yummy restaurants while we were in Salt Lake City. This was one of the new ones we went too. It is called Siegfried's It is a German Deli. We loved it so much!! These are treats we bought for us and for the kids. The Easter Bunny is going to bring us a Dark Chocolate Bunny!!! We are excited about that!!!! :) :) We went to a Asian restaurant called Typhoons. It was good too. I ate a hot chili pepper without knowing what I was eating and about died!!! My whole mouth was on fire, and no matter what I did it BURNED!!!!!!!!! Doug thought it was pretty funny!!!!! It is funny now that it is over!!!! :)

This is Doug and I at the Aquarium that we went too. We can't wait to bring the kids here. It will be lots of fun!!! The kids are going to love all the things we saw. We had lots of fun here. We got to see an anaconda eat a rat!!! They feed him 3 a week. It was grose but cool!!!

This is us going to a 3D movie at the Clark Planitarium!! We went and saw 'Under the Sea in 3D'. It was lots of fun. When we purchased the tickets for this then we got to go see the show that night to see the Planitarium 'Night Sky' Show. It was fun too. We went to the movie theater and saw 3 movies too. We saw 'Knowing'- I don't recomend it. It was good until the end and then it was stupid. We saw 'Taken'- Now that was a GREAT movie!!! I highly recommend it!!! Last but not least we saw 'Race to Witch Mountain'- that was pretty good too. The kids would love it. We were entertained very nicely with it.

This was a great time and we loved it tons!!! The only bad thing about it is that it was a snow blizzard on the way home. Driving in that was not fun!!!! But we got home safe and sound!!!

I can't wait for our next trip. We always have so much fun together. I love being with the kids, but I LOVE being alone with my wonderful husband!!!!

More Good news!!

Doug starts his new job tomorrow. The big news with that is he is going to be in town. So he will go to work at 7am and be home by 5:30pm. YEA!!!!!! We are sooooo excited!! Having him home at a decent time will be so nice!!! This is for his training so we don't know how long it will last, but it should be about a year!!!! No more bus for awhile and dinner at a normal time!!! :) :) We are all excited!!!!