Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our trip to Salt Lake City

We went to many yummy restaurants while we were in Salt Lake City. This was one of the new ones we went too. It is called Siegfried's It is a German Deli. We loved it so much!! These are treats we bought for us and for the kids. The Easter Bunny is going to bring us a Dark Chocolate Bunny!!! We are excited about that!!!! :) :) We went to a Asian restaurant called Typhoons. It was good too. I ate a hot chili pepper without knowing what I was eating and about died!!! My whole mouth was on fire, and no matter what I did it BURNED!!!!!!!!! Doug thought it was pretty funny!!!!! It is funny now that it is over!!!! :)

This is Doug and I at the Aquarium that we went too. We can't wait to bring the kids here. It will be lots of fun!!! The kids are going to love all the things we saw. We had lots of fun here. We got to see an anaconda eat a rat!!! They feed him 3 a week. It was grose but cool!!!

This is us going to a 3D movie at the Clark Planitarium!! We went and saw 'Under the Sea in 3D'. It was lots of fun. When we purchased the tickets for this then we got to go see the show that night to see the Planitarium 'Night Sky' Show. It was fun too. We went to the movie theater and saw 3 movies too. We saw 'Knowing'- I don't recomend it. It was good until the end and then it was stupid. We saw 'Taken'- Now that was a GREAT movie!!! I highly recommend it!!! Last but not least we saw 'Race to Witch Mountain'- that was pretty good too. The kids would love it. We were entertained very nicely with it.

This was a great time and we loved it tons!!! The only bad thing about it is that it was a snow blizzard on the way home. Driving in that was not fun!!!! But we got home safe and sound!!!

I can't wait for our next trip. We always have so much fun together. I love being with the kids, but I LOVE being alone with my wonderful husband!!!!

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