Tuesday, April 28, 2009

2nd Chance Prom

Tasha did my hair for me!! She put curly ques in it!!! I wore my red sequins shirt and a black skirt. Doug wore his suit!!! It is always fun to get dressed up!!!

This is a prom that our local radio station puts on every year and it is free to all those who are 18 or older!! It is sooo much fun. Doug and I go every year even though he doesn't like to fast dance. He will slow dance with me. This year we went with our friends Larry and Kim. They fast dance and so I would fast dance with them!!!! One day hopefully I will get Doug out there in a fast dance!!! We went to Hard Hat Steak House for dinner and then to the dance. We danced allllllllll night!!! I was a little sore that night, but not to bad the next day. Here are some photos for you to enjoy!!!

1 comment:

Heather Inns said...

I love 2nd chance prom, I am so glad you had a wonderful time. You look so cute.