Sunday, May 2, 2010

2nd Chance Prom

We went to the annual 2nd Chance Prom last night!!! It was so much fun. We went with Larry and Kim, Tyler and Nicole, and Kyle and Tasha!!! It was a blast!!!! We danced as a group and laughed and were crazy. Doug doesn't dance the fast dances only the slow dances and so it was fun to have some friends to fast dance with!!!! I love dancing the slow dances with Doug and having him hold me close. I love the opportunity to go to the 2nd Chance Prom with the one that I love. Many woman's husbands won't take them and so I am glad mine will!!! He knows I love to dance and so he goes. We went casual this year so we could just enjoy and not worry about what we were wearing. I worried anyways, so Tasha bought me this dress and sweater for Mother's Day so I could wear it to the dance. She is a great kid!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! Glad you had fun. And you both look terrific!