Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Braces!!

Yesterday I went to the Orthodontist!! I got new colors on my braces!! I like to have fun with the color of bands I can get. Last month I had pink for Valentines day. Before that I had red and green for Christmas. Before that was orange and black for Halloween. So now it is spring and I decided to go bright and cheery!!! I did green and yellow. It is for all of my Bonneville family too!!!! It is a little brighter than I am used to, but it will have to do. I am stuck with it for 6 weeks. Tasha gets her braces off on April 17th at 10:00am!!!!!!!!!!!!! she is so very excited!!!! As you can all imagine. I hope to get mine off soon after. We will have to wait and see!!!


Anonymous said...

you look like you have dried boogers in your teeth....kidding....lmao

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Love Terri's comments! Only a sister would say that to you. I remember when kids wore braces and did not want people to know anymore than they had too. Wow what color choices! Looking good!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm not your sister Becky, but I think it looks like you have dried boogers in your teeth. Terri was definately onto something. :-)
