Sunday, July 20, 2008

Eating a fun summer treat!!!

The kids were playing in the pool today and playing on the trampoline. We gave them an Icee treat. They all picked blue raspberry and this is the result of that. They all have these great blue tongues. We told Mariah that it made here eyes look bluer. They were having a lot of fun with this. They also had really blue mouthes that made them look like they were freezing in the 90 something degree weather today!! Oh what fun summer can be!!!!! :) :)


Jenny G said...

I just pulled this off Google Reader and didn't pay attention to whose blog it was and I thought, "Wow, that looks just like Ryan." Only it was Alex and I was so confused. I haven't seen these kids for way too long! They are getting all grown up!

Pamcakes said...

very cute kids, It looks like they have a desiese. I hope it is not contagious. Your camping trip looks like tons of fun!! What a pretty spot.

Anonymous said...

I love these kids! I envy them their fun. I miss seeing all of you.

Love Grandma Yourdan