Friday, December 28, 2007

They FINALLY plowed our road!!!!!!!

Well tonight the city finally plowed our road. It was the event of the night. The kids had fun watching the big plows and Caterpillars. It snowed all day again today!!! The Buddenbohm kids are here with us safe and sound!!!! Yea!!!!!! There were several people in the neighborhood out watching the whole thing. The guy driving the Caterpillar that dug out our driveway had fun with the kids. He raised the front bucket up high and then lowered it right in front of them and then waved at the kids. They all thought that was pretty cool!!!! Well I wanted snow and boy do we have it and we are supposed to get more!!! :) :)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

My Mom

My Mom!!! She is the one one the far right!! My sister is doing very well. She went to the doctor today and all is well. She is well on her way to recovery. She does not have to do Chemo. My mom has been there with her helping and everything. My mom is great. My mom went through the same thing this past summer. My mom recovered very well too. No Chemo for her either. My mom is always there for any of us kids when ever we need her. Thanks mom for being there for Terri and all of us when we need you!!! You are a great mom!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Boy did it SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday on Christmas Eve we got 7" of snow. So now we have a total of 11" of snow!!! It is beautiful. It did make for some scary driving yesterday but we got around. Today it was nice to just stay home and enjoy the day. I love Christmas. I had a wonderful day and am sad that it is over. We did not have any kids for Christmas morning so that was strange for us. We were glad to go get my half of them at 1pm. We get the other half on the 29th of Dec. We will open all our presents on that day. I have attached some pictures of the snow!!!! I hope you love seeing them. Have a great rest of the week and a Happy New year!!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Let it SNow!!!

I love the snow!!! I am off work for Christmas break and I just wish it would snow like heck!!! It is supposed to snow and snow and snow, but I have yet to see it!!!!! My husband says it is snowing good out at the INL sight where he works, but that is about an hour away from here. I wish it would work its way this way!!! It is snowing a bit, but I want MORE!!!!!! :) :) It would be so good to have a white Christmas!!! So keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Happy Holidays

Happy holidays to all out there!!!! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! I love this time of year. I love to see all the Christmas lights and I love all the presents!! My husband just whisked me away to Salt Lake City this past weekend to see the Christmas lights at the Salt Lake Temple and all over the town!!! It was so exciting. He didn't tell me he was going to do this. I came home from work on Friday and he said we had to go get his sister in Blackfoot and that we needed to hurry. So I quickly got ready and we left. On the way down the freeway he pretended to call his sister and told me to look in the glove box. I looked and there was an itenerary for a hotel and a weekend away!!! No kids just he and I!!! Wow it was amazing!!! He and my daughter Tasha had been planing it for a couple of weeks. I am thankful to have such a wonderful husband and daughter!! Thanks so much for loving me.

My sister - one of the strongest peope I know

This is dedicated to my sister who is fighting breast cancer!! She is so strong and so amazing!! There are so many things about her that I would want to be like. She is very giving and she is very sincere. She speaks her mind. She would do anything for anybody!!! I know she is strong and I know she will conquer this nasty thing. I love her and my thoughts and prayers are with her always!!! My sister is the one on the right. I love you Terri!!!!!