Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Boy did it SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday on Christmas Eve we got 7" of snow. So now we have a total of 11" of snow!!! It is beautiful. It did make for some scary driving yesterday but we got around. Today it was nice to just stay home and enjoy the day. I love Christmas. I had a wonderful day and am sad that it is over. We did not have any kids for Christmas morning so that was strange for us. We were glad to go get my half of them at 1pm. We get the other half on the 29th of Dec. We will open all our presents on that day. I have attached some pictures of the snow!!!! I hope you love seeing them. Have a great rest of the week and a Happy New year!!!!

1 comment:

Jenny G said...

Thanks for rubbing it in :) I wish we were there to play in it!