Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My sister - one of the strongest peope I know

This is dedicated to my sister who is fighting breast cancer!! She is so strong and so amazing!! There are so many things about her that I would want to be like. She is very giving and she is very sincere. She speaks her mind. She would do anything for anybody!!! I know she is strong and I know she will conquer this nasty thing. I love her and my thoughts and prayers are with her always!!! My sister is the one on the right. I love you Terri!!!!!


Anonymous said...

silly girl....it's the drinking that has toughened me up...you should have seen the bar fights....kidding....

I'm just lucky to have a great family......


Anonymous said...

You are so funny, Terri!

Becky has said some very nice and truthful things about Terri. She is a very giving person and has a wonderful personality like her sister. I am very proud of both my girls. I am so proud of Terri going through this horrible thing. She and I have had to be strong to get through Breast Cancer. But we made it!

I love you both.
