Monday, January 28, 2008

Our Trip to Phoenix

We just went to Phoenix. It was so nice to have some warm weather, see my family, and just relax for a weekend. Doug and I flew out of Salt Lake City on Friday, and then back on Sunday. It was a fast trip but well worth it. We went to see my sister that is going through Breast Cancer. She is healing up nicely and starts Chemo on Feb. 08. My brother and his wife (Jim and Judy) flew in from Sacramento for the weekend too. My dad is living down there for the winter so he was also there. It was a lot of fun. We got there Friday night and just hung out for awhile. Then we all went to dinner at a place called, "The Native New Yorker." It was fun. On Saturday we all went to my dad and Kris's trailer park and just sat around and visited all day. It was 72 degrees!!!! That was wonderful!!!! It was fun just shotting the breeze with everybody. Then on Sunday everybody gathered at my sisters house and we went to brunch at "5 and Dinner". Then went back to Terri's and visited until Doug and I had to leave. We left at 1pm. Our flight got out right on time and we got to SLC just fine. The flight had a lot of turbulence when we were landing!!! That was yucky, but all was well. I was glad to be on solid ground. Then the drive back to Idaho Falls began. It was supposed to be bad weather but it was fine other than some wind. We stopped at "Red Robbin" for dinner and then on our way. We got to Rigby to pick up the girls around 9:30pm and then came home finally. It was a short and fast weekend, but like I said earlier it was well worth it. I am so glad I got to see my sister and the rest of my family. It has been over a year since I have seen them. My sister looks great!!!!!! I know that she will have the courage and strength to get through the chemo.

Home Sweet Home

We are home and all is well. Right before we left for Phoenix our toilet started to leak. YIKES!! We didn't know what was wrong with it. So our wonderful neighbor came over and looked at it and said we could just turn off the water to it until we got home and then we could fix it when we got back. So we did that and Doug and I took today off and he came over and we got it all fixed. It was not a hard task at all. We are thankful for our neighbor!!!! He Rocks!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a million Tim!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Too Cold for School!!!!!!!!!

YEA!!!!!! We had no school today it was too cold!!!!! It was -35 degrees!!!! That makes me very happy!!! I did have to go in for awhile but I didn't go until 11:00am. I left about 3:00pm. I love a day like today!!!! Hopefully tomorrow will be cold too!!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

My black eye!!!

I was horsing around this weekend and wacked my eye!!!! I forgot all about it but then Sunday it started hurting and I couldn't figure out why. Then today (Monday) I was getting ready for work and noticed that I had a bruise on my eye lid. OUCH!!!!! I can cover it up pretty good with make up so that is good, but my eye hurts like no other (as Tasha would say)!!!!! So here is a picture so you can all feel sorry for me!!!! lol

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our 3rd Anniversary!!!!

We have just had our 3rd Anniversary!!!! I can't believe Doug has put up with me this long!!! :) We both had to work so when we both finally got home we went out for dinner. We went to TGI Fridays!!! YUMMY!!!!!! We enjoyed that a lot!! It was good food. Then we went out and bought another Yoga mat. So now we have 2 and I don't have to give mine up every time we do Yoga. So we did some Yoga when we got home!!! It was GREAT!!!! It was a very nice evening and I look forward to several more years together. We were both talking and it seems like we have been together for so much longer. It seems like forever in a good way!!!! We are going to Phoenix in a week and a half and we will finish celebrating then!!!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Back to School

Well we have all started back to school and back to work!!!! January is probably going to be a long month!!! It is still snowing and still COLD!!!!! Today we are having freezing rain. That is always lots of fun. It is fun to be back to work and seeing the students and my friends. It is that time of year where I have to figure out the visitation calendar with my ex though and that really bites the big one!!!!! It is no fun at all!!! It would be nice if everybody could just get along! Between Doug's ex-wife and my ex-husband and his wife I think I might go crazy!!!!!! But you know this too shall pass!!! Well here is to a new year and a positive outlook on everything!!!! I love my friends at work!!! With out them I would never be able to get through all of this!!!

Mariah's Baptism

On January 05, 2008 Mariah got baptized. She was so excited to have this done. She was excited that her Daddy got to baptize her and confirm her!!!!!! It was at the Kuna Stake Center in Kuna. Doug, me, Tasha, Ryan, Bethanie, and Alex all went to it. Her mom was also there. Her Uncle Kevin arrived at the end of it. What a wonderful experience we all had. So in honor of Doug and Mariah I have posted this and some pictures. Mariah is now a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later day Saints. We are very proud of her and love her lots.