Thursday, January 10, 2008

Back to School

Well we have all started back to school and back to work!!!! January is probably going to be a long month!!! It is still snowing and still COLD!!!!! Today we are having freezing rain. That is always lots of fun. It is fun to be back to work and seeing the students and my friends. It is that time of year where I have to figure out the visitation calendar with my ex though and that really bites the big one!!!!! It is no fun at all!!! It would be nice if everybody could just get along! Between Doug's ex-wife and my ex-husband and his wife I think I might go crazy!!!!!! But you know this too shall pass!!! Well here is to a new year and a positive outlook on everything!!!! I love my friends at work!!! With out them I would never be able to get through all of this!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I miss all of your phone calls.....I hate being a grown