Wednesday, May 28, 2008

MY BRACES ARE OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well here it is!!! My braces are off!!! I am sooo excited to have them off!!! Now I just have to get used to this crazy retainer they gave me. The plus side is it is clear, the negative side is it makes me talk funny!!!!!! Hopefully that will only last a little bit. My family is having fun making fun of me!!! Tasha took all of these pictures for me.

This is a picture of me getting the mold for my retainer. What a mess it is!!! So much fun too I might add. YUCK!!!!! Your mouth is full of plaster and a huge medal thing and it has to stay in there until it sets up. You have to breath through your nose or you just might throw up!!!! I did not throw up thank goodness!!!!! :)

this is me getting my braces cut off!!! It hurts a little but is so well worth it!!!!! I am very happy with the results of my braces!!! They tried to tease me at first and say there was too much of a gap on my right side and so they might need to stay on. But I think they new I would have to kill them dead if they really did that. I can't wait to smile for the whole world!!!! I like to smile any ways, but now I really will!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend!!!

Doug and I went away to Salt Lake City, Ut for the the weekend!!! Just the two of us and no kids!!! We had so much fun!!! We left on Friday morning and got to Salt Lake around 3pm. We checked into our hotel and relaxed for a bit and then got ready to go to dinner at a restaurant called the ROOF. It is at the top of the Joseph Smith building over looking Temple Square. It is a very nice expensive restaurant. But, it was worth it!!! It is an all you can eat buffet. But it is not your typical all you can eat. It has very nice expensive foods. The desert buffet must have had 20 different things on it. It was heaven!!!! We also went to several other different fun restaurants!!!! We love trying new foods. We went to Park City one day too. That is these next pictures.

This is Doug and I with this cute little bear on this bench in Park City!!! Isn't he adorable!!!!?? It was a beautiful day up there and we just walked all over the downtown area and just browsed!!! We also went over a sidewalk that goes over the street below and that was the highlight for Doug because he had never done that before!!!!!

We had a race with each other down the hallway of the hotel!!! I WON!!!!!! It was fun!!!! We went to 2 different movies in the really nice theaters they have there. We went and saw "Ironman" and "Indiana Jones". Both were really good movies!!!! It rained off and on but not much until the day we were leaving and so that was fine. We went shopping at the Draper Outlet mall and got shorts for both of us!!! It was a fun, relaxing weekend!!! Can't wait to go somewhere again together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bethanie turns 12 today!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe my baby is 12!!! It seems just like yesterday she was 3 or 4!!! WOW how time flies when you are having fun. Bethanie always makes life fun. She has brought a very sweet spirit into our home and she loves everything and everybody!! This is her new outfit she got from us for her birthday. We also got her another pair of shorts that are hot pink!!! On the bum of these it says 'Beach Bum'. Happy Birthday Bethanie we love you tons!!!!

This is her hair all done up by Tasha on Bethanie's birthday!!! Tasha did little rolls in the top and then some ringlets throughout!!! You are the most beautiful 12 year old girl I know Bethanie!!! I love you more than anything!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Bethanie Graduated from 6th grade!!!!

This is Bethanie with her principal Jeremy Clark. He has been at Linden Park for 2 years now. He is doing a great job!! Bethanie has really liked him.

This is one of Bethanie's best friends Molly Holt!!! They have so much fun together. They both look so beautiful on their graduation day don't they!!??

Now, the best for the last!!! This is Bethanie's teacher, Mrs. Mary Ulrich!!!! She is the best 6th grade teacher in the whole world!!!! Ed had her in 6th grade, then Tasha had her and now Bethanie. We consider it a privilege to have had her in our lives and that every one of my children got to have her. She is an amazing teacher who cares and loves her students!!! I will surely miss her and her influence in my children's lives. Thank you Mrs. Ulrich!!!!!

Bethanie we are so proud of you for all you have accomplished and that you have graduated the 6th grade. You have done a great job!!!! Keep up the good work and now you are half way there!!!!!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Last Day with Students!!!

Today was my last day with Students!!!!! It was sad in some ways and great in most ways!! So I only have 3 more days of school left. I am so excited!!!! It was hard to say goodbye to the 6th Graders, because they will go off to Jr. High and so we won't see them much. That is o.k. though. y 5th Grade class gave me and the other Title 1 Tutor thank you cards and a box of chocolates (That I can't eat!!) and my 6th Grade class gave us all thank you cards too. It is nice to feel appreciated!! Monday I will only work part day because I am going to Bethanie's track meet and Tuesday I will only work part day because it is Bethanie's 6th Grade Graduation!!! Wednesday I will work all day and then Thursday (the last day of school) I am doing Field Day at Bethanie's school all morning. So it will be a really busy week!!!! I love to stay involved in my children's lives.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Schools almost out!!!

Yea!!!!!! School is almost out!!! I only have 1 week and 1 day left with my students, and only 2 weeks and 1 day left of school!!!!! I can't wait for summer break!! Can you tell I am excited. I have a count down on my white board at school. :) Only 20 more days until my braces come off too!!!! Only 2 more weeks until I get an alone weekend with my husband!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going away for Memorial Day weekend!!! Just the two of us!!! I am sooooooooo excited!!! Can you tell I have lots of things I am excited about coming up!!?? Watch for them on my blog!!!! Happy Day!!!