Friday, May 16, 2008

Last Day with Students!!!

Today was my last day with Students!!!!! It was sad in some ways and great in most ways!! So I only have 3 more days of school left. I am so excited!!!! It was hard to say goodbye to the 6th Graders, because they will go off to Jr. High and so we won't see them much. That is o.k. though. y 5th Grade class gave me and the other Title 1 Tutor thank you cards and a box of chocolates (That I can't eat!!) and my 6th Grade class gave us all thank you cards too. It is nice to feel appreciated!! Monday I will only work part day because I am going to Bethanie's track meet and Tuesday I will only work part day because it is Bethanie's 6th Grade Graduation!!! Wednesday I will work all day and then Thursday (the last day of school) I am doing Field Day at Bethanie's school all morning. So it will be a really busy week!!!! I love to stay involved in my children's lives.

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