Thursday, May 8, 2008

Schools almost out!!!

Yea!!!!!! School is almost out!!! I only have 1 week and 1 day left with my students, and only 2 weeks and 1 day left of school!!!!! I can't wait for summer break!! Can you tell I am excited. I have a count down on my white board at school. :) Only 20 more days until my braces come off too!!!! Only 2 more weeks until I get an alone weekend with my husband!!!!!!!!!!!! We are going away for Memorial Day weekend!!! Just the two of us!!! I am sooooooooo excited!!! Can you tell I have lots of things I am excited about coming up!!?? Watch for them on my blog!!!! Happy Day!!!


Pamcakes said...

I am excited for you to be done with school and to go away for Memorial Day, I know you are excited for some serious boot knockin'. Ha Ha!

Jenny G said...

Are you coming to visit us for your weekend away?